1099 Balance Startup and Adjustment
Report Printing window (lets you print vendor payments, vendor 1099 payments, and other related reports)
Update or Delete 1099 Adjustments by Date window (lets you reassign the adjustment date or delete all adjustments made on a specific date)
Use the 1099 Balance Startup and Adjustment window to set or adjust the 1099 balance for the calendar year for a selected vendor.
Sage 100 Contractor tracks vendor 1099 totals by calendar year. If you are transferring vendor totals from another software package, use this window to add the previous 1099 total to the calendar year.
Note: If you have vendor voucher totals from a Sage 100 Contractor version prior to 19.2, Sage 100 Contractor adds those totals to the 1099 balance automatically.
Open the 4-4 Vendors (Accounts Payable) window and select the vendor whose totals you want to adjust then click Options > 1099 Balance Startup/Adjustment.
In the 1099 Balance Startup/Adjustment window, set the adjustment date by clicking in the Adjustment Date box and typing the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Sage 100 Contractor tracks 1099 totals by calendar year. The 1099 balance displayed in the Current 1099 Balance For Calendar Year box changes according to the date you enter.
Type the adjustment amount in the 1099 Balance Startup/Adjustment box. For example, if you know you paid the selected vendor a $500 voucher earlier in the calendar year, but the 1099 total does not reflect it, type 500 in the 1099 Balance Startup/Adjustment box to add it.
The Resulting 1099 Balance box displays the new 1099 balance.
Click [Save] to close the window and save your changes.
Repeat steps 1-4 for any other vendors whose 1099 totals you want to adjust.